Thursday, March 19, 2009

ok... making black (predominately black) paintings can be a wonderful, invigorating experince, or it can lead one into a personal blackness of the soul and intellect. i'm working out these canvases that have been worked on and worked out for years now... and while i'm trying to understand what they try to say i'm reading essays on the late, dark (black) work of rothko. these late works, of course, came to conclusion with rothko slicing his forearms and bathing (in a union suit, it is said) in a widening pool of blood... where am i going with this?? good question. i want my work to be invested with emotion and truth and a somber quiet romanticism... these are heady terms and needs to bring up in this day and age in this time and this art world. emotion is tough to deal with and truth is the truth, hence (we would be led to believe, untouchable) and the quietly romantic, austere qualities of real art and expression are way to hard to come by and deal with-- hence, our state of the art of nonsense and non-art... fine. yeah...

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